What to look for in a Taxidermist
What is the difference between a cheap job and a good job in taxiderrmy?
The difference is usually in what you can't see--the thickness of the hide. A cheap job has a thick hide, which will draw moisture even after it has been cured throughout the life of the mount. This thickness is a twofold problem; the first being is that the moisture goes in and out of the mount, causing it to wriggle around. The second; is a thick hide robs you of definition around the eye, nose and ears area. My instructor said that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. So, if you have a mount that looks like it just stopped moving the second you set your eyes upon it, THAT is good taxidermy!
These are six things I do that contribute to a high quality mount.
- Thin hide
- Open nose cavity, with septum
- Plastic ear liners
- Remove all cartlidge from ears, no bondo
- Superior hanging mount system with bumpers
- Backer board to wrap hide around back of mount